Track Chairs
Astrid Skjerven, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Klára Tóthné Szita, University of Miskolc, Hungary
Simon Lockrey, RMIT and Fight Food Waste CRC, Australia
Anna-Sara Fagerholm, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Goals and Objectives of the Track
Design is defined as the activity of shaping the human surroundings, everything from urban and landscape planning to services, concepts, policies, strategies and objects.
The general aim of design for sustainability (DfS) is to enhance practicality and/or well-being (including social welfare, health, aesthetics, and more), and reducing environmental impacts.
The topic will be discussed in terms of what way DfS can contribute physical or cultural sustainability, and its significance for innovative approaches. Possible negative effects of a phenomena could also be analysed.
DfS implies decisions related to: low-impacts and health materials; energy and resource efficiency; durability; reuse; circular systems; low life cycle impacts, and the like. Methods, tools, indicators, criteria, metrics are deemed for necessary for DfS i.e. life cycle assessment. Thus, investigations of approaches, methods, measuring and evaluation or measuring of results of DfS will be welcomed.
In summary, the aim of the track is:
- To present the current state of the art of theories, methods, indicators, and strategies to assess and to measure DfS
- To present case and other empirical studies on the topic, at local, national, and global levels, regarding either DfS related policies, products, systems and business enterprises
- To share knowledge between academics, research and development organisations as well as, business enterprises and practitioners, promoting a dialogue between theory and practice
Length and content of the proposed abstract to the track
Each proposed abstract of between 300 and 500 words (including all aspects), shall be best organized (without headlines) along usual structures (e.g. intro/method/findings or results/ discussion/conclusions). A list of potential topics are:
- Theoretical approaches and methodologies for DfS
- Sustainability assessment tools and indicators
- Decision-making supporting methods and tools and design criteria/guidelines
- Digital solutions supporting sustainability in design
- Case studies of: DfS-related policies; products; services; built environments such as eco-design, smart cities, green buildings; circular business models and life cycle approaches to design
Additionally, authors are asked to identify which SDGs and SDG targets they are addressing in their abstracts, and a brief indication on how the proposed contribution relating the topic of the conference: Sustainability and Beyond
Potential publication channels
With regard to potential publications, depending on the number and quality of contributions the following publication opportunities have already been envisaged with:
Sustainable Development. Online ISSN: 1099-1719
Business Strategy and Environment. Online ISSN:1099-0836